Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's in your bag?

Kate from Foxs Lane started this a few days over ago on her blog.  Just took me a few days to get around to it I suppose!

So here it is.

Boring I know.  But in my defense I cleaned my bag out recently so really the only random thing that has crept its way back in is the food clip.  Everything else is normal and always in my bag.

Top row L-R:  Lip Gloss, Paw Paw, Lip Plumper, Nasonex, Numbing Gel, Wooden Mirror & Diary
2nd row L-R: Dental Floss, Handheld Fan, Bag Clip
3rd row L-R:  USB & USA Housejkey, Purse, 2 Glasses Cases
Bottom row L-R:  Tub of Gum, iPhone, Keys, Bobby Pins, 20c, Tissues

Join in over here.



  1. Hello~! You actually have a clean bag ;p. My girlfriend adds things over time until its very very heavy. I ask her to clean it so we can find the keys when needed lol.

    I have followed your blog.
    Could you follow mine too please at:
    SkyBlueTrading Blog

    I currently have a competition of stock price guessing where I will give the winner $1.00 or more for guess it right~


  2. Hehe - you are amazing and make me want to quickly clean out my bag before I decide to join in!

  3. lol a fan! You old granny you!! Of course it is very practical........ :-)


Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your kind words xo