Monday, October 25, 2010

Uninspired and Uninterested.

Yesterday I finished decorating a trinket box for my niece for Christmas.  I hate it.  It just looks wrong.  The paint I chose on the wooden edges is wrong, the brown I used to distress is wrong, the paper doesn't "POP", and the colours clash.  You get the idea.  I don't really want to show you a failure, but I guess it makes me normal?

I'm mainly bothered because I had such high hopes for this little box.  I was excited to use a new skill for the second time.  I'm not sure whether to just leave it, try and work on it more, or scrap it and start again.  You see it has to match her room.  Although my niece is only 1.  My sister is slightly OCD with the co-ordination of colours in my nieces room.  The colours are mainly cream, brown and I think there is a touch of musk.  Maybe I just need to find a different paper and that'll fix everything. 

I'm a bit lost as to what to do.  And I have lost my vigor for adventure with crafting lately.  I guess I'm just tired.

Until tomorrow



  1. no musk.... ocd? pssssk start again, just paint and distress

  2. Maybe the photo isn't doing your failure justice...because I like the way it looks. I don't think it looks bad at all. When I get frustrated with a project I walk away for a little while (sometimes an hour some times a few weeks) and then I can get a different perspective on it after a break. Hope it works out whatever you decide to do!

  3. I agree with Courtney - either pic is making it look better than it is or you are being to harsh on your self - I love it :-)

  4. Agreed!!! These colours look really nice in the photo...its looks like the basis is done and now you can just build on it...a bit of a ribbon, or a contrasting paper border, a lovely big flower, some butterflies...just keep adding and see if that helps? I'm sure it will look gorgeous!!!! xxx

  5. The paint colour was a Antique white, but after several coats it started looking yellowy which is why I tried distressing it with the brown. The colours don't really show up in the pic because I took the pic at night. I think I will sand down the paint a little and see if that helps with the overall colour issues.

    I wanted to keep it really simple and just cover it in the paper, with the distressing, and then go and buy a cute handle/knob for the top. I need to fiddle with it more and probably will tomorrow.

    I've taken your advice Cortney.. I put it away and will deal with it again tomorrow with a fresh outlook!


Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your kind words xo