Lucky I was smart enough to pass my camera around the room where we got everyone ready for the show. There are a couple of fun shots of people having hair and makeup done...
Top: Me doing mouse makeup & another mouse having her hair done. Bottom: Instructions on what to do & 2 mice almost ready.. |
Top: Male mouse almost finished unimpressed about wearing makeup & getting started on makeup for a fly. Bottom: Three flies ready to go just needing costumes, their eyes & wings. |
It is absolute mayhem organising 16 people for hair and makeup. I had a great team of helpers, and there is no way I could have physically done it without their selfless help. It didn't help that our getting ready time was cut down by half an hour the day before the show either. Somehow we did manage to get it all done in time (miracle) and everyone looked fab.
Here's some pics of the show in action...
Top: Mice in the entree act. Bottom: The mice getting in trouble from Louie the Fly. |
As you can clearly see, this is why I need a new camera. When I bought my camera a year ago, I was SO excited as it is waterproof, shockproof, and all that fun stuff. We read review on the camera and only read good things, so that is why we thought it would be a great purchase. Boy was I wrong. It is ONLY good for taking water shots. I hate it and husby is sick of me complaining about it so a new camera is in the works :) I CANNOT WAIT!
Just one last thing. My sister did the costumes, hair and makeup for another show that was on last night also. Even though they were the 'competition' I have to share her handiwork. And I might add she won the award for makeup :)
Off camping tomorrow. So I'm busy packing today for that and getting all the household chores done before I leave. And I somehow need to make sure I leave enough time to do a week and half worth of blog posts saved in drafts so I can post while away... this will be interesting :)