But I can deal with this disadvantages cause I love a bargain. And I love my work being unique in it's appearance.
I might also add that I have a fabric store up the road. When you walk in, you have three BEAUTIFUL bins full off offcut's for a discounted price. I quite frequent these bins as much as the Op Shops - and find just as much goodness for around the same price.
Here are some of my finds this month and my ideas of what I'd like to make out of them!!
These two yellow baby blankets were $2. I was SO pleased. I'm going to get myself a fabric shaver, so I can clean up the fabric a little, and I am looking at making some matching babies cushions or soft toys... not totally decided yet. Either way it is going to be super cute!
Pastel stripey flannelette single top sheet - this baby was $4. It is brand new, it hasn't even been washed. It has that new soft fluff on it! I am thrilled about this one. I'm thinking more baby cushions and toys. My sister also wants some of it so she can make some stuff out of it. Maybe even some spit rags?
Zebra print silk - $4, White & Black Sateen, $4 each. I couldn't pass this one by. I love love love animal print but am a big sook and can't bring myself to wear it.. so I'm gonna MAKE something with it for someone else! Hoping to make two matching cushions out of these beautiful fabrics. Sateen is quickly becoming one of my more favourite fabrics.. its so lovely!
The stripey fabric I found at the fabric store for a few dollars. The paisley strech fabric was an awesome find at the Op Shop. There is about 3 metres of it, and it was only $5. I actually have already made something out of these vibrant fabrics. A little skirt for my niece. It looks SCHNOOKUMS on her... I really must get a photo of her in it.

(sorry it's a bit blurry)
Another great find in the bargain bin at the fabric store. Few bucks I think, and I've already used it to make a Rosette Hair Accessory!

(the colours aren't showing up great cause I took the photo on my phone)
Both a few dollars from the Op Shop.. I'm thinking a fun cushion or little girls skirt. The stripey fabric could also be a heaps cute tie for a little boy!
These were again a few dollars each. The tartan looks like a school uniform fabric from my area... but I thought ahh why not, I'll just have to make it look so fantastic that no one will notice haha!! Maybe some more cushions again? Or some hair accessories.
And last but not least...
I bought some ties. They were only $1 each from the Op Shop. Funny thing is I bought 6 ties in total. 3 were really nice and 3 were a little more daggy. My husband decided the 3 really nice ones needed to live in his closet... so they are no longer in my possession. The 3 daggy ones are the ones you see photographed above!! I saw on this blog many many months ago now some hair accessories made from ties.. so I thought I'd give it a go.. at $1 a piece I'm not going to be losing out on much if they don't work out!
So there we have it. I have PLENTY to work on! And plenty more blog posts to write to show you what I've bought and made.....